Solar energy is the top choice for renewable and eco-friendly energy options. Its popularity continues to soar, with Australians eagerly embracing this sustainable power source.

Despite our general familiarity with solar energy, there are still some lesser-known facts about this renewable power source. Therefore, we will explore and answer some common inquiries related to solar energy systems.

Read on to Know About All the Brewing Questions About Solar Energy Systems

Why should I go solar?

Opting for solar power presents a prime chance to transition to clean energy. Considering installing solar panels, it's natural to have reservations, given that it's a long-term commitment.

What are the financial benefits of going solar?

By implementing a solar energy system in your residence, you can experience financial advantages. This includes reducing your electricity expenses and shielding yourself from potential increases in electricity costs. The amount you save depends on your locality's prevailing utility rates and solar regulations.

What would be the environmental benefits of going solar? 

Solar power offers significant environmental benefits by providing a clean and sustainable energy source. Its minimal environmental impact makes it an effective way to lower your carbon footprint, as it does not emit greenhouse gases. Consequently, solar energy is a valuable contribution to building a sustainable future.

Will solar panels work efficiently for my home?

Solar panels are a fantastic option for powering your home. They consistently operate at peak efficiency, generating electricity to meet your household needs. Despite this, you may have inquiries about the effectiveness of solar panels in a residential setting.

Will I still get an electricity bill after installing a solar panel?

If your solar panels don't have battery storage and you're not entirely disconnected from the grid, you may still get a bill from your utility. Nevertheless, installing a solar panel system tailored to your energy consumption can significantly lower or eliminate your electricity bill altogether.

Is it reasonable to go for solar financing?

Solar panel installation can be made more affordable through solar financing, an attractive option for those considering going solar. Whether you take out a loan or finance the purchase, there are various questions to consider when financing your solar panels.

How do I choose a solar installer?

Selecting a suitable solar installer can be quite challenging. Opting for a reputable company with a solid history and the necessary licences and certifications is essential. You may have various inquiries about choosing a solar installer as you decide.

What size solar panel system should I choose for my home?

Your monthly electricity usage and the local weather conditions influence the amount of solar energy system needed. To find the right size, analyze your previous electricity bills and compare quotes from various solar installers.

Is my rooftop suitable for solar panel systems?

It is crucial to assess the condition of your roof before installing a solar panel system. Ensure that your solar panels are positioned at the correct angle for optimal electricity generation. Ideally, roofs facing south or southeast, with minimal shading and sufficient space, are perfect for solar panel installation as they receive direct sunlight and can effectively absorb solar energy.

For how long will my solar panel system last?

Solar panels have a long lifespan and can endure harsh weather conditions such as snow, wind, and hail. While individual components may require replacement at varying intervals, the solar panel system can produce electricity for 25 to 35 years without interruption.


In conclusion, Esteem Energy's solar energy system in Sydney is a viable and sustainable solution for meeting your energy needs. With its numerous benefits, including cost savings, environmental impact reduction, and energy independence, it offers a practical alternative to traditional power sources. Esteem Energy aims to provide clarity and insight for those considering this innovative technology by addressing the most frequently asked questions about solar energy systems. As the demand for clean and renewable energy continues to grow, now is the perfect time to explore the possibilities of installing a solar energy system with Esteem Energy. Contact us today to learn more about how you can switch to solar and start enjoying the benefits immediately.